拍立得相機 - 拍立得照片產生器 可以簡易快速製作出拍立得效果相片, 五種風格樣式供您做變化選擇, 還可加入手寫風格的相片描述, 透過相機拍照或相簿設定裁剪照片, 再也不用研究一大堆複雜的設定, 只需輕鬆一兩的步驟即可完成:D 可以將產生的拍立得圖片儲存、 寄送Email附件或分享至 Facebo...
拍立得相機 - 拍立得照片產生器 可以簡易快速製作出拍立得效果相片, 五種風格樣式供您做變化選擇, 還可加入手寫風格的相片描述, 透過相機拍照或相簿設定裁剪照片, 再也不用研究一大堆複雜的設定, 只需輕鬆一兩的步驟即可完成:D 可以將產生的拍立得圖片儲存、 寄送Email附件或分享至 Facebo...
拍立得相機 - 拍立得照片產生器可以簡易快速製作出拍立得效果相片,五種風格樣式供您做變化選擇,還可加入手寫風格的相片描述,透過相機拍照或相簿設定裁剪照片,再也不用研究一大堆複雜的設定,只需輕鬆一兩的步驟即可完成:D可以將產生的拍立得圖片儲存、寄送Email附件或分享至Facebook、Twitter...
Managing finances has become a difficult task these days due to the rising prices of commodities. This helpful Android app Finance Tips comes to great...
ivyanatomy.com is a reliable resource for students of anatomy and physiology. Filled with interactive images, videos, and quizzes, ivyanatomy correspo...
The acclaimed Trail Guide to the Body musculoskeletal anatomy resource is now available in an interactive app. This user-friendly tool is beneficial f...
The brand-new Saratogian mobile app is the most comprehensive, accurate, and content-rich source of local news for the communities of Saratoga Springs...
AnatomyLab is the ideal application for the student of human anatomy, the medical professional, or for that matter, anyone interested in the structure...
e-Anatomy는 ‘대한해부학회’와 ‘(주)범문에듀케이션’이 만든 온라인 해부학실습 교육 사이트입니다.다변화 되는 교육환경에 맞추어 해부학 전반의 이론적 정립은 물론 교수자를 위한 실습지도, 임상의를 위한 장기별 미세해부를 통해 인체해부 전반의 가이드라인을 제시합니다...
YourPolaroid è un'applicazione che ti permette di immortalare i momenti più belli della tua vita su una polaroid completamente personalizzabile e pron...
假如你需要一次遙控多台Android的手機/相機進行拍照,這個或許就是你在尋找的。主要特點:- 提供Wifi連線進行遙控拍照- 圖片FTP/DropBox上傳使用方法:連接同一無線網路(也可以由一Android裝置分享網路),其中一台開啟遙控器功能,會顯示該裝置IP,其它Android裝置至偏好設置...