Have you problems with foreign languages? Now, with Talking your smartphone talks for you!Speech what you want(in your mother language) and Talking tr...
Have you problems with foreign languages? Now, with Talking your smartphone talks for you!Speech what you want(in your mother language) and Talking tr...
Free Application Talking for Android. This app promote the use of language in everyday communication.Supports three languages such as Thai English a...
★★★ WOW! Come and enjoy 100 exciting lovely kids coloring and drawing book ★★★★ Enhance kids creativity by for the first, totally free to try out.★ Be...
Talking Cat 2 is a FREE LIVE and FUNNY WALLPAPER!You can choose from many wonderful live wallpapers in our account, we are sure that you can find the ...
这个猫咪可不一般. 会打手枪,会学人说话. 你还可以考他算数,给他洗洗鼻子. 天黑了还能但手电桶,将来还会教他更多东西. 手机必备玩物哦.免費玩我不是tom猫 APP玩免費免費玩我不是tom猫 App我不是tom猫 APP LOGO我不是tom猫 APP QRCode熱門國家系統支援版本費用APP評...
好好照顾它,给它喝牛奶吧,它会好好感谢你。 选择不同的奶罐,给它冲一杯香浓的牛奶吧,它会带给你不一样的游戏体验哦。 如果游戏玩累了,来英文教室吧。静静坐下来,学习下体育项目单词。快来看看你能答多少分吧。 又或者你想轻松一下,那就让汤姆猫给你秀段舞蹈吧,它可是一只舞技超群的猫哦,看它得意洋洋的样子,你...
Talking Fluffy Cat is your super-cute friend! She like to listen and repeat. She has a adorable face, meow in lovely and funny sound, she so loves to ...
会说话的3只小猫(Talking 3 Friends Cats and Bunny)是Android平台一款有趣的休闲游戏。你可以通过触碰它们来看它们的反应,它们那滑稽的声音会让你忍俊不禁的。 游戏特色: 高品质的3D图形; 语音互动/动画; 机器人软件; 猫,狗,婴儿,驴和兔子动画; 特殊音效,而...
谈的猫,重复你说的一切,一个有趣的声音。 **谈的猫享受数小时的乐趣和欢笑。他是為所有年龄的儿童,尤其是乐趣。 **玩猫: - 猫和他会重复你说的一切,一个有趣的声音。 - 有多大,这裡的鱼! - 真甜。 - 看我跳舞。 - 睡眠。 - 唉,我已经吃肥最近。 - 戳他的头部,手臂或脚。免費玩Talk...
Tom is your pet cat, that responds to your touch and repeats everything you say with a funny voice. You can pet him, poke him or grab his tail. DISCLA...