timer camera android


這是一個簡單的烹調計時器。這個程序可以在後台運行,所以你可以做研究或e-mail的人,你喜歡用你的智能手機,而等待倒計時。如何使用:1。設置一個定時器[10分鐘] [1分] [10秒] [重置]按鈕。2。要啟動計時器,搶雞亂跑,放在她的蛋。3。暫停定時器,刪除從蛋的雞。4。當時間到了,計時器響起。 ...


Are you tired of asking someone you don't know to take photos for you?With TimerCamera (timer camera), you can take pictures without holding the c...

TimerCamera Pro

Are you tired of asking someone you don't know to take photos for you?With TimerCamera (timer camera), you can take pictures without holding the c...

Time Camera

this is a funny camera.Do you want to board up the cover of Time magazine?you can use this camera get photoand save to your album.(Adobe AIR request)免...