tight schedule 中文

일정관리 - My Schedule

일정관리를 간편하게 할수 있는 어플입니다일정관리라는 어플입니다제가 만든 어플인데 설치해보시고 고쳐할점이 있으면 언제든지 말씀해주세요1. 스케줄관리. 기념일, 할일2. 알람제공3. 위젯제공(낮과 밤에 따라 색상변경)4. 구글캘린더와 동기화문상연(msyhippo@empas...

My Work Schedule

** Ad-Free Google calendar version released, check out the "More by MrPnut" section on this page! **My Work Schedule is a simple app to manage your wo...

My スケジュール

My スケジュールはシンプルな手帳アプリです。(広告は一切ありません)【特徴】・シンプルを追求した操作方法・予定に画像やWebページのリンクを付けることが可能※ Googleカレンダーとは同期していません。予めご了承ください。【操作方法】新規予定登録: 日付を長押し予定の確認 : 日付をタップ予定の...

MapSchedule Trial

This is the application which made the map and the calendar unite. This has turned to the following uses. * It uses as a list which checks the visitin...