Meet Single Women
Have you been lonely long enough? Are you ready finally ready to learn what you need to do to be successful with women? Now is the time to put some ef...
Have you been lonely long enough? Are you ready finally ready to learn what you need to do to be successful with women? Now is the time to put some ef...
The Single Wife App is designed to create a happy, healthy, wealthy life. Features include positive affirmation popups, healthy recipes, wellness reso...
***Now backup/restore to Google Drive or Dropbox***Take notes and even attach your free hand drawing, everything in style and completely without paper...
WHAT IS THIS? Teacher Notebook is a new project run by a teacher which has emerged an Android 4.x app to manage students and their grades. It is a dig...
Features :-+ Easy to use+ No any ads+ Simple interface+ Send Note via Email,SMS+ Create multiple notebooks with colorful book covers+ Customizable boo...
***Now backup/restore to Google Drive or Dropbox*** Take notes and even attach your free hand drawing, everything in style and completely without pape...
The Note is the simpliest and fastest paint application on Play Store!If you just need to take a fast note, The Note is for you. Just open it and you ...
MY NOTEBOOK is a simple and easy to use free notepad app. It lets you make and access your notes quickly and easily.Key features:-Make a note by a sin...
"Shift Notebook" is an app for those shifts.All you need to set the contents of the shift, the shift can easily register each month.You can also sound...
Welkom bij de app van Sport Citadel!Sport Citadel mag zich terecht het sportcentrum van Leeuwarden noemen. Met de afdelingen squash, groepsfitness, fi...