

每一关玩家都要想尽办法将指定容量的瓶子装满一定容量的水,拖动瓶子可以到水龙头接水,双击瓶子可以倒光水,靠近其它瓶子可以将自己的水倒过去. 玩法说明: - 拖动瓶子可以到水龙头接水 - 双击瓶子可以倒光水 - 靠近其它瓶子可以将自己的水倒过去 1.3 版本更新: 修复了几个bug免費玩猜水容量 APP...


IPMinfo is a mobile application to help Strawberries and Vegetable growers to identify pest problems and manage them with environmentally sustainable ...

IPMA Student

Aplikacja IPMA Student oferuje studentom i uczelniom prowadzącym zajęcia z zakresu zarządzania projektami pomoc w przygotowaniach do certyfikacji IPMA...

IPI Recorder

Make recording your IPI data as easy as a tap. Visualizing your data is just as easy, select a date and school (or all of them) and select your chart ...