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Instagram explore教程



一键分享至Instagram、Facebook、Twitter、Flickr平台上。不仅仅是拍照,作为一款轻量级但十分有趣的App,Instagram在移动端融入了很多社会化元素,包括好友关系的建立、回复、分享和收藏等,这是Instagram作为服务存在而非应用存在最大的价值。照片分享 Instag...

Share a Coke

Share a coke, this app has many form of Coke beautiful and cute. You can select and print your name on bottle of Coke ( Coca Cola ). Then share that p...

Toy Smash

Remember all those annoying toys our kids used to play with? Don't you wish you could just smash them? Now you can. Select a toy and grab the hammer a...