Eye Protection-Screen Filter
護眼寶,超級夜間模式,過濾有害光線,保護眼睛,改善視力。藍光是可見光中能量最強的光線,長時間接觸會傷害眼睛視網膜。通過本應用程式減輕藍色眩光,能有效保護視力。 是夜晚在被窩中玩手機的好伴侶! ★疲勞提醒讓你保持用眼好習慣,遠離視網膜黃斑病變的危險。 ★智慧護眼,還有過暗保護。 ★無廣告,並且完全免費...
護眼寶,超級夜間模式,過濾有害光線,保護眼睛,改善視力。藍光是可見光中能量最強的光線,長時間接觸會傷害眼睛視網膜。通過本應用程式減輕藍色眩光,能有效保護視力。 是夜晚在被窩中玩手機的好伴侶! ★疲勞提醒讓你保持用眼好習慣,遠離視網膜黃斑病變的危險。 ★智慧護眼,還有過暗保護。 ★無廣告,並且完全免費...
Help support your friendly developer by getting the ad-free Screen Filter Pro!Buy if you think this slick eye-saving app is worth a cup of coffee. Tha...
IMPORTANT - This is an upgrade to the free 'Screen Balance' - please download and try it before purchasing Pro version - Pro version will remove the r...
Screen Lock Pro, app for Android™, with animation. It allows you to switch off the screen, and lock the device. Easy to use and saves power button usa...
Powerkey is hard to press?No Problem! - Here is ScreenLock!ScreenLock. Lock your phone with style!This is a Widget which locks your screen by tapping ...
Hide your screen from prying eyes with ScreenGuard. ScreenGuard protects your privacy by applying a screen filter that makes it harder to read your sc...
Hide your screen from prying eyes with ScreenGuard. ScreenGuard protects your privacy by applying a screen filter that makes it harder to read your sc...
Refract, reflect, disperse, divide.A game of lasers and experimentation.Learn to use mirrors, lenses, prisms and other devices to manipulate beams of ...
本作はiPhone/iPod touch向けのアドベンチャーです。プレイ時間は30分程なので手軽にお楽しみいただけます。=-=-=- 操作方法 -=-=-=・2本指タップ => コンフィグメニュー表示・3本指タップ => メッセージ早送り・上フリック => バックログ表示・バックログ中に2本指タップ...
In this game the glasses will be shuffling & the player will need to guess the glass with the ball. You can even connect your Facebook & see the score...