Take a Rest for Parents
“Take a Rest for Parents” helps your child to limit their mobile usage no matter what they are doing.You can set time to lock the mobile when time is ...
“Take a Rest for Parents” helps your child to limit their mobile usage no matter what they are doing.You can set time to lock the mobile when time is ...
The Rest Assured App allows you to check the start and end time of a period of duty to help you stay compliant for daily rest. Simply input your start...
This App is TABLET SAFE!Driving long distance can definitely be a chore, knowing where the next or closest rest area or rest stop to you shouldn't...
Crew Rest can help you in calculating times for rest/sleep for pilots during long haul flights. Some parts of Crew Rest are not quite finished. Please...
Find your own style! The prettiest, the coolest, the funniest, the best - all in SQNotePad! SQNotePad provides attractive, unique and cool notepad for...
Ship Rest offers features that help you and your crew keep track of hours rested.This app was created as a tool to help with the Manila Amendments mad...
Rest. je formálně neomezené místo, kde se každý může cítit jako doma, jednoduché, upřímné. Místo pro práci či pro setkání s přáteli. Místo, kde si můž...
Resy is for people who love eating at great restaurants but hate hassling for reservations. We have partnered with great restaurants to get you their ...
İslam ile ilgili her Müslümanın bilmesi gereken bilgileri bu uygulama ile kolaylıkla öğrenebilirsiniz.Dualar ve Sureler hem sesli hem de görsel olarak...
Have you ever played a game of Pingball? A mix between the classic arcade game and an old-school tennis-type video game this modern spin on pinball wi...