T.Expense 是專門提供給企業內部使用的行動交通報支 App。擁有六種常見的交通工具,包含:計程車、客運、台鐵、高鐵、汽車及機車,同時搭配完整的報帳清單管理後台,清楚陳列公司每個員工所申報的項目、地點、金額費用等資訊,減少人工對帳問題,也能控管員工的報帳額度、預算補助金額,讓您更方便管理公司...
T.Expense 是專門提供給企業內部使用的行動交通報支 App。擁有六種常見的交通工具,包含:計程車、客運、台鐵、高鐵、汽車及機車,同時搭配完整的報帳清單管理後台,清楚陳列公司每個員工所申報的項目、地點、金額費用等資訊,減少人工對帳問題,也能控管員工的報帳額度、預算補助金額,讓您更方便管理公司...
* 50% Off for a limited time! *積少成多,聚沙成塔!Expenses 有精緻易用的介面,讓您輕鬆掌握每日開支,並提供每天、每月、每年的支出總數分析。支援繁體中文介面!相容 Android 1.6 以上版本,並針對 HVGA 以及 WVGA 顯示器最佳化!keywords...
The application allows you to keep track of daily household expenditure on various categories and tags, create and modify existing categories of expen...
Expensery app is a mobile expense management app for companies to create, approve and export their expenses. It is a cloud based app that can be used ...
Conveniently access Oklahoma government directly from your Android powered phone featuring real-time news, agency location mapping, and professional l...
Record your expenses as they happen and never miss a receipt again with Software Europe’s Expenses360 for Android app. Expenses360 is FREE to download...
This Halloween App has some of the best Halloween images. Suitable for all ages and lots of good images. Kid friendly, Kid Safe. For all ages.After al...
The Expense Manager helps you to organize your expenses in a proper way. This app reduces the overhead of maintaining our expenses in a diary and trac...
Looking for an expense and budget tool? Stop searching. Expense Manager is simple, intuitive, stable and feature-rich app that is just designed for yo...
Expense Tracker from Centermark Software is a simple application that lets you track and maintain expenses. Targeted at both business and personal exp...