synchronize 用法


Plug one phone into your speakers and start a Hub. Any other phone can now connect to the Hub and vote for music tracks.Queue up tracks stored on your...


This client is the mobile client of the cloud service, which provides a complete solution to organize, schedule and dispatch work orde...

Synchronized Clocks

This app explains what is meant by the term "synchronized" in special relativity and demonstrates how time dilation implies length contraction.免費玩Sync...


Synchroid is a sequenced synthesizer that makes it easy for anyone to quickly make some music. At its heart is a powerful synthesizer engine, on par w...

Latitude Sync

In the background "Google Latitude" is an application that updates regularly."Mobile Google Map" for "Latitude" If you use functions in the background...


Sinchron Trinary Clock displays time in alternative symmetrical way by using three sine waves. Thin blue wave represent seconds, middle green wave - m...