Nutrition Pal
Nutrition Pal™ is the first Voice Activated Intelligent Nutrition Pal (Personal Assistant that Learns) that helps you make healthier food choices, los...
Nutrition Pal™ is the first Voice Activated Intelligent Nutrition Pal (Personal Assistant that Learns) that helps you make healthier food choices, los...
Introducing NCEA Pal Version 2.0.Built by students, for students. We are really excited to finally share with you what we have been working on for man...
Roulette Pal is your one stop resource for all things roulette from videos, news, articles and tips to win and much much more Roulette Pal is your ess...
Pal Media'nın ilk radyosu Pal Fm... 13 Ağustos 2007'de İstanbul Akatlar'daki stüdyomuzdan canlı yayına geçtik.Pozitif yayıncılık anlayışım...
- (Online Sales) Store,edit name, product description, amount of purchase..- (Offline Sales) Store,edit name, product description, credit card informa...
Eye Pal is an app that keeps you company. Start it up and Eye Pal begins speaking from time to time giving you compliments. You will love to be compli...
An App designed for everyone and every age. Easy to-use single user finance book keeping app will give you all sort of things you need to manage your ...
安卓市场最好的SWF播放器。它可以自动搜索、浏览,播放你手机里面的SWF文件和SWF游戏。 主要功能: - 自动搜索SDCard上的SWF文件; - 浏览和播放SWF文件、玩SWF游戏; - 随意添加SWF游戏操作按钮; - 收藏夹和播放历史功能; - 快进快退暂停,自定播放进度; - 声音调整、亮...
SWF Player(SWF播放器)v1.15 一款直接播放本地 swf 动画文件的播放器,Adobe 不厚道,本应推出 Adobe Flash Lite 来官方支持这个功能的,现在结果搞到要第三方来做。当然,这个 SWF Player 的运作,也需要基于 Adobe Flash Player 的支...