supposed to be


It is a useful tool that referred to the wonderful concept of "LogPose" in japanese cartoon "OnePiece".It is a sphere-compass with navigation.It alway...


‘SUPP is cool. ‘SUPP feeds you and ‘SUPP will save you from stale pizza or ramen that’s been sitting in the cupboard from the last tenant. ‘SUPP is an...


接龍 (Klondike) 是最著名考驗耐性的 (接龍) 撲克牌遊戲之一。遊戲的目標是將所有撲克牌以遞增順序排列到四個收集堆的基礎 (每個花色一堆)。遊戲重點:– 出色的 HD 圖形– 支援垂直及水平螢幕方向– 大量牌桌背景及撲克牌款式可供選擇– 強大設定– 支援電話及平板電腦– 完成接龍遊戲,收集...