summons board blog

召唤图板 SUMMONS BOARD サモンズボード

召唤面板 Summons Board是一款回合制战棋类游戏,本作游戏画面为4×4面板,面板上会随机出现各怪物,玩家需要清退各个怪物一步步将游戏进行下去。在前进过程中你可以指挥你的怪物,可以一次使用多重攻击的COMBO,怪物会有一定几率发动固有技能。一层一层攻击直至迷宫最深处。游戏充分结合了智能机的特...

Futsal Board

This is the tactics board for Futsal.You can create strategy with animation and share with friend!For player, coaches, sir, spectator, and so on.I hop...

Badminton Board

This is the tactics board for Badminton.You can create strategy with animation and share with friend!For player, coaches, sir, spectator, and so on.I ...

Lap Board

Lap Board to use by speed skating, but you can use it for example also at track cycling.The Lap Board app consists of several components:Half lap boar...