stickman runner

Jewel Runner

Having a dull day? Is it raining outside, or are you for some reason stuck on the toilet? Or maybe the elevator you took broke down? Don't worry! ...

Square Runner

Control a square jumping from platforms to platforms in an infinite level. Shoot squares to kill enemies. When you shoot you become smaller and make l...

Attention Maze

以意念操控事物向來是科學家研究的重要議題之一,腦是由複雜的神經細胞組織所組成,當大腦思考運作時,腦神經細胞會持續放電,運用細胞放電的數值結果。透過儀器偵測獲取腦電波值之變化,可觀察使用者意念狀態,藉此進行即時分析狀態值,並對外部裝置進行控制。 本款遊戲的最大特點,是使用腦波來控制遊戲,系統將於適當...

A Maze

A time killer maze game which calculates random maze , the number of available mazes is nearly unlimited.The goal is to drive into the 2d labyrinth th...