starter background changer中文下載


Бесплатный редактор Background позволяет сделать нужный Вам фон для любой фотографии или рисунка. Поддерживаемые эффекты: ● Zoom-Burst (длительная выд...

Face Changer

變臉 - 著名的應用程序,它允許你以你的臉切換到任何流行的超級英雄或改變面部另一個人的大鬍子和小鬍子!只要看看照片從相機或畫廊和照片展位他們! 如此普遍 - 下載我們的臉換,現在和改變你的臉面對任何從目錄。 有在面變化的實際版本下一類別: - 酷鬍鬚(成為一個真正的男人或可愛,或時髦超人氣歌手Kon...

Photo Background Change

內容介紹 : Have you ever wanted to change the background of an image? but can't afford expensive programs? Or perhaps you just want to remove the backgro...

Face Changer

Face Changer is funny application which allows you to try hundreds of hairstyles, shades and accessories in just fewseconds. Funny Face Maker helps yo...


This application lets you select a color from the list, mix, set as wallpaper, identified by camera and more.Identifying the camera does not work corr...