start8 serial


SerialBot is a Telnet/SSH client with integrated support for RS232 Serial connections via Wifi-to-Serial or Bluetooth-to-Serial adaptors such as Airco...


Travel around the world in over 40 levels of challenging, color-matching puzzles as you try to score the most total points. The current version of the...


☆重要通知: ※目前『PHYTTER DOCK』仅先开放给特定会员使用。因此暂时无法注册新帐号,敬请留意。 开放帐号注册的版本将在下一次更新时推出。 造成您的不便,敬请见谅。 继iPhytter、iPhytterFAX等高阶通讯应用程式之后,PHYTTER本次又将隆重推出最新的服务『PHYTTER ...


HellDefence is a new real-time-strategy game for Android. You control your very own farm, and have to defend it against the fires of hell - quite a ta...