Keep Bluetooth powered on only when you need it. Perfect for using Hands-Free in your car when commuting while saving the battery throughout the rest ...
Keep Bluetooth powered on only when you need it. Perfect for using Hands-Free in your car when commuting while saving the battery throughout the rest ...
VT-100 terminal emulator for communicating with any serial device using a bluetooth serial adapter. The RFCOMM/SPP protocol emulates serial communicat...
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About Macau BusinessWe are Macau’s number one English-language newsmagazine.Benefiting from the acumen of and collaboration between journalists, analy...
Der "MAZ sonntag" ist das aktuelle und regionale Sonntagsmagazin der Märkischen Allgemeinen, das ausschließlich als App erscheint. Es bietet neue Lese...
"Alles was im Land Brandenburg und in der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam passiert - mit MAZ mobil sind Sie immer informiert.- Mit der Download-Funktion könn...
Movies & Memories is the ultimate app with loads of features to express and elevate your love for movies.Features:* Rate movies, write reviews and pos...