• TOUCHTV讓你以無線的方式透過智慧型手機, 匯流傳輸影音視聽網站(PPS 、PPTV、YOUTUBE、TED) 、遊戲、社交 網(FACEBOOK)、檔案、相片及音樂至家中電 視上,讓它變身為SMART TV的功能呈現。 • TOUCH TV無線技術與智慧型手機觸控螢幕的連結,使得電視與智慧...
• TOUCHTV讓你以無線的方式透過智慧型手機, 匯流傳輸影音視聽網站(PPS 、PPTV、YOUTUBE、TED) 、遊戲、社交 網(FACEBOOK)、檔案、相片及音樂至家中電 視上,讓它變身為SMART TV的功能呈現。 • TOUCH TV無線技術與智慧型手機觸控螢幕的連結,使得電視與智慧...
Smart Touch 的使用十分方便和簡單,開啟後在畫面的左上角就會有一個Smart Touch的ICON,你可以隨意更改ICON的位置。按下Home的ICON進入另一個介面後,你能夠看見裡面有五大功能,包括「主畫面」、「工具」、「電話撥號」、「應用程式」、「工作管理員」。功能簡介 「主畫面」:你...
2014年2月発売のセットトップボックス(ケーブルチューナー)である「Smart J:COM Box」と連動し、番組検索、録画予約、タブレットでの番組視聴ができるアプリです。【対象機種】・Huawei MediaPad7 Youth・SONY Xpeaia Tablet Z・SONY Xpeaia ...
Easy to use design and powerful in content, the new app from The Phone Book Directories Online is designed to put you in touch quickly, with 2.2 milli...
※ USIM 태그 관련 단말 별 유의사항. - 갤럭시 S4 LTE-A모델(SHV-E330S) 에서는 USIM 태그 서비스가 정상동작 하지 않을 수 있습니다. (2014. 2월 기준) -> 향 후 펌웨어 업데이트를 통하여 정상 동작 가능할 예정이며, 일정은 추 후 공지하...
Do you think it is a simple piano keyboard and you can't find something new here? You're mistaken! It is new and amazing piano game with color...
Smart Touch helps you quick access to the favorite application everywhere via a cute control panel and touch icon.Main features+ Create control panel ...
Simply blow up rainbow bubbles! Blow up them again and again until the bar will be full enough.While blowing don't intersect with screen borders a... By entering password in a trial version of AquaTV , it comes in a full version. Enjoy AquaTV in a full version through Mob...