Baby Sleep Unlock
This app can be used as a form of donation if you like Sleep Baby Instant. It also unlocks longer playback durations. Thank you very much for your dec...
This app can be used as a form of donation if you like Sleep Baby Instant. It also unlocks longer playback durations. Thank you very much for your dec...
Help your baby to fall asleep instantly using classic monotonous sounds (lullabies) proven to be effective by generations of parents!NEW: Record your ...
Sleep for baby, created for my one year old son, he loves dogs and loves hearing familiar songs. The lullaby sounds soothes him when he is crying and ...
We love babies. And we understand that they sometimes have trouble sleeping. That’s why we created the very first FREE baby sleep expert at your finge...
探索Sleep Bug Kids的9個互動世界! 這是一套即使你與小朋友外出時,都可以令小朋友開心的益智遊戲!每個場景都有豐富的顏色、獨特的人物和熟悉的主題,這些都是小朋友非常喜歡的。Sleep Bug Kids提供一個安全,並且受小朋友歡迎的虛擬世界,當中還包括一些有趣的音樂效果。 無論任何時候,...
A bedtime story is a traditional form of storytelling, where a story is told to a child at bedtime to prepare the child for sleep. Bedtime stories hav...
Baby loves flowers, but she doesn't know yet how to take care of them. So you need to join her in a fun weekend where she will learn how gardening wor...
音乐与智力和情绪之间存在着莫大的联系 ,是开发宝宝IQ、EQ的金钥匙。在成长过程中,宝宝喜欢听着美妙的音乐或故事入睡;喜欢随着音乐手舞足蹈;喜欢跟着童谣咿咿呀呀... ... 《宝宝童谣》打破传统的儿歌形式,将海量的互动和听觉、视觉融为一体,五个特色场景搭配十首经典的儿歌轻音乐,以一个全新的形式呈现...
采用地板拼图和收拾房间两种有趣的场景帮助宝宝认识形状,达到早期教育目的的益智小游戏。圆形、三角形、长方形、月牙形… 蔬菜、日用品、工具、花草树木… 我们的世界就是由各种形状构成的,宝宝赶快来分类吧!宝宝的本领会变得越来越大越而且更聪明哦! 宝宝学形状不仅有助于宝宝的启蒙认知,更能训练小手臂和手眼协调...
It is an application for small children. They'll learn Language in a card. This time -- Cabbage,eggplant,tomato,carrot. I have a 1 years-old seven mon...