

隱形鎖可以鎖住手機中需要禁止他人訪問的程式(如郵件,短信,圖片等),以防止隱私洩露。 傳統的密碼鎖太過於引人注目,顯得“此地無銀三百兩”,易激起別人的破解欲望或引來其他麻煩。所以最好的鎖應讓人感覺不到有鎖的存在,從而連解鎖的想法都沒有。同時鎖本身也要有一定的隱蔽性,不能太容易被人看到。隱形鎖就是基於...

Simply Purple

Simply Purple is a flat, square icon pack compatible with all of the major launchers. 592 icons drawn in 144x144 HD!New to android theming? Try my tut...

Simply Breathe

Ease your thoughts, relax your body, and revitalize your health with patent-pending interactive breathing exercises. Simply Breathe is a natural, easy...