sighted guide technique

Iron Sight

IronSight是一款超酷的科幻射击游戏,由Polarbit制作,全3D的场景与机械单位,第一人称视角以及真实的物理效果,属于绝对必玩的大作。 Polarbit在iPhone的3D游戏制作方面经验丰富,这次的IronSight从背景、场地、作战单位到各种效果都十分精美,是3D游戏中不可多得的佳作,...


Search and find all the words hidden in the grid. In this search word puzzle you can choose between eight difficulty level, play in timer mode and com...

Sight Words

"Sight words" are words that can not be sounded out or learned through the use of pictures and have to be learned by sight. The original Dolch Word li...


Increase your vocabulary and have fun doing it with this addictive Word game.Word Game is an addictive game and casual game supporting all popular mob...