share pizza 逢甲

逢甲影音 FLIPr

《逢甲大學 Feng Chia University -- 官方 app》內容特色 -逢甲大學積極創新與突破,迎接新媒體時代。跳脫傳統教學模式,"逢甲影音" 提供熱愛學習的您,跨越時間、地點、空間的多螢幕互動體驗!暢快地上下左右翻翻逛逛,"逢甲影音" 是行動教室,更是您無所不在的學習雲。啟動您的各種...


『行動逢甲』是由逢甲大學資訊處所開發,目的是讓大眾可以更方便、更即時的了解逢甲大學的最新消息與活動。逢甲的師生更可以透過本系統來操作部分的校務系統。功能特色:- 網路分機:VOIP 的網路分機,只要校內有分機的都可以申請。- 校園訊息:提供使用者取得校園各單位相關訊息,並可以將你關注的訊息分享到社群...

FM share

FREEDOM MUSICMUSIC EVERYWHERE From the first tribal chant to the latest electronic beat, music's universal quality transcends language and cultura...

Stack Share

Our goal is to create the most easiest app to share photos with your friends and family privately.This is the beta version of the app. Please leave yo...

Share Circle

ShareCircle is a powerful tool for sending group of contacts via E-Mail or Text Message. Contacts can be shared by creating groups on the fly or by se...

Gift Share

This application allows you to create and share events and items with your friends through a Facebook account. Create an event and enter the items you...

IRC Share

A tiny and simple utility for sharing text with any IRC channel simply by using the Android Share menu! Works great with the "Imgur Android" and "CatL...