內容介紹 : 這是一個超炫的翻牌記憶遊戲!既有樂趣,又可以提高記憶力。適合各年齡。一起來玩吧! 玩法: 在限定時間內把所有相同的圖片找出來。如果翻轉的兩張卡片的圖片不同,卡片將會翻回;如果圖片相同,將會增加遊戲時間和分數。每當完 成一個任務,遊戲的主題會改變哦。無聲是默認的設定,您可以在選項將音樂...
內容介紹 : 這是一個超炫的翻牌記憶遊戲!既有樂趣,又可以提高記憶力。適合各年齡。一起來玩吧! 玩法: 在限定時間內把所有相同的圖片找出來。如果翻轉的兩張卡片的圖片不同,卡片將會翻回;如果圖片相同,將會增加遊戲時間和分數。每當完 成一個任務,遊戲的主題會改變哦。無聲是默認的設定,您可以在選項將音樂...
關於Luxy 結合luxury(奢華)與sexy(性感)的全新型態複合式娛樂夜店「LUXY」,面積佔地千坪、挑高十米。浮華卻不失精緻的裝潢,以及尊重個人隱私的貴賓式規劃,搭配金獎主廚所精心調配的美味佳餚,和國內最傑出的吧台團隊,烘托出LUXY 式令人垂延的奢華性感。此外,劃分多廳的貼心格局,更能配...
Easily find the best price and availabilty from all major travel websites at once.Access over 2 million hotel deals from 100's of travel sites.Ove...
Tweet Search Application help us to search tweets based on the query and user's profile twitter id, it will display all the tweets with respect to...
Use the Quick Search Box (QSB) for a quick math calculation.Calculation result is shown in the suggestions list below the searchbox.Opening the calcul...
Do you not remember where you have parked? No problem SearchCar is for you. This Application with a compass pointing your car will guide you.WORKS WIT...
If you need to find a nearby doctor or medical centre, or need to find a specialist in a particular field of expertise, then this app is what you need...
With this program your phone's Search Button, when held, will open the dialing screen instead of voice search, everywhere.This makes dialing an ea...
PGP Search is an application for your phone / tablet that allows you to search for properties that are for sale or for rent in Southern Africa, as mar...