screenshot it

Screenshot Snap

隨時隨地擷取、編輯和分享螢幕快照Ashampoo Snap for Android 是適用於 Android 裝置的成熟行動 App,可以截取、編輯和分享螢幕快照及圖片。 您可以截取螢幕內容,使用攝影機拍攝照片,或是載入現有的圖片,加入各種樣式的箭頭、形狀、圖章和文字,充分表達您的想法。 完成後,還...

Screenshot ER

Screenshot ER is a screen capture app for rooted devices, proven to work where nothing else does. Easy to use and with lots of settings for capture ma...

Screenshot It

May require a rooted phone (depends on phone) Take a screenshot of your phone’s screen, save as a jpg or png file, and share anywhere! - Crop screensh...