Currency Converter
A very useful widget to easily calculate currency conversions between more than 200 world currencies.Main features are: 1. Automatically updated excha...
A very useful widget to easily calculate currency conversions between more than 200 world currencies.Main features are: 1. Automatically updated excha...
The Hang is a musical instrument in the idiophone class,created in Switzerland. The instrument is constructed from two half-shells of deep drawn, nit...
This is a guide to the value of phosphate & potash removed from the soil when straw is removed from a field. Cereals and pulses can vary in value(eg. ...
Currency Converterは通貨変換アプリケーションです。日本円、USドル、イギリスポンド、ユーロ、スイスフラン、ベトナムドンの通貨変換が可能です。以下本アプリケーションの注意事項です。(1)Currency ConverterはGoogle APIを使用して通貨レートを取得しています。通...
This app allows you to navigate Hong Kong Indesign 2013 without missing a beat. Over one jam-packed day you will be spoilt with product launches, inst...
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The Hang is a musical instrument in the idiophone class,created in Switzerland.The instrument is constructed from two half-shells of deep drawn, nitri...
速度与激情:地下狂飙-Fast & Furious Adrenaline将让您主宰无与伦比的地下街头飙车赛,捍卫自己的领地,35辆不同的赛车、5个不同的场景支持多人对战,快来展示您的最佳赛车技巧! 速度与激情是最终级的街头飙车游戏-数百万的玩家不容错过的飙车游戏!速度与激情最终章将带您到洛杉矶捍卫你...
【2014年全网独播,重磅来袭】 《快乐大本营》《康熙来了》《百变大咖秀》《天天向上》《爸爸去哪儿》等8档芒果台综艺 《Running Man》《我们结婚了》《人气歌谣》《无限挑战》等19档韩国综艺 爱奇艺PPS影音是中国领先的P2P在线视频软件,2亿用户都在用,你还不用? 提供电视剧、电影、综艺、...
点击触发事件,想尽办法干掉敌人! 游戏加载完毕后点击CONTINUE - 再点击PLAY - 然后点击右下角的SKIP即可开始游戏 一名退役的老兵与家人其乐融融的在一起, 突然有一天他们遭到了敌人的伏击,老军人的家属遭到了绑架, 为了营救他的家人,这个老军人重返战场,再次踏上危险的征程,独闯营救, ...