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This is the official App for ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH in Pearland, Texas. With our app you can stay up to date with events, messages, sermons...


A magyarországi Shurenkan Aikido Sportegyesület - mely az Aikido Kobayashi Dojo (Japán, Tokió) hálózat tagja - Android platformra készült applikációjá...


This book-application is created after the well-known fairy tale by Vazha Pshavela. One of the first interactive books in Georgian language will becom...


The Weather app provides the best realtime satellite information for Europe and other continents. The weather satellite provides updates eve...

Tap Numen

Numen Series #4 - Tap Numen ( 裸男のゾンビ )This is an addictive game of Numen tap tap challenge! Tap Numen before they turn into zombies. You will have 10 ...