sapphire crystal grower

Baby growth

- Track your child's growth with the help of somatometrics curves (weight, height and head circumference).- You have the option of displaying the ...


"Is my son growing well?" This is the question that all parents ask. With this application you can have an immediate and easy answer.This application ...


5種類の武器を使いこなして敵を倒せ!初心者から上級者まで楽しめるシューティングゲーム!□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□『GROWTH SHOOTER』は、基本プレイ無料で遊べる、2D縦スクロールシューティングゲームです。●指一本で遊べるお手軽操作!自機の操作は指で移動...

Childs growth

Your child's growth can be identified as the standard age.When you enter your child's birthday is easy to calculate age.免費玩Childs growth APP玩免...

葛饰北斋 Hokusai

葛饰北斋(かつしか ほくさい,1760年10月31日-1849年5月10日),本名中岛时太郎,1760年生于的江户(现东京),是日本江户时代浮世绘派的大师级人物。他14岁学雕版印刷,18岁便和另一位浮世绘大师胜川春章学画,开始了自己漫长且多产的画画生涯——但葛饰却是等到了60岁以后才开始出名的。18...