Samsung Cares
"這個應用程序是適用於Android手機。透過 Samsung Care 這應用程序與我們保持聯絡! 透過 在線支援 及 追蹤您產品的服務記錄 , 您可以完全掌握您三星產品的訊息。你可以找到常見問題,影片以及易於操作的自我診斷。如果由於某些原因,你不能找到你要找的答案,或需要額外的幫助,您可以隨時透...
"這個應用程序是適用於Android手機。透過 Samsung Care 這應用程序與我們保持聯絡! 透過 在線支援 及 追蹤您產品的服務記錄 , 您可以完全掌握您三星產品的訊息。你可以找到常見問題,影片以及易於操作的自我診斷。如果由於某些原因,你不能找到你要找的答案,或需要額外的幫助,您可以隨時透...
This app only for Android Phone and Tablet version is coming in 2nd Half of 2013. Stay connected with the Samsung Cares app! Samsung Cares brings you ...
iTHINKi tracks activities on your smartphone.It is for people that: - Want to know more about what their time is spent doing. - Are interested in Quan...
This application shows your daily activity and sleep records measured by Samsung Activity Tracker.The motion sensor on Samsung Activity Tracker checks...
NB Activity Tracker is a free app designed to help you track your daily activity and measure your progress as you work towards achieving your fitness ...
Fitnastica – Sport Motion Universal CounterFitnastica uses our proprietary algorithms to process smartphones accelerometer raw data to properly detect...
myGEOS - is new, is different, is real!Whether you walk to university, bike to office, or ski down the valley. Whether you enjoy strolling with family...
Feeling unmotivated or sluggish? Tired or down in the dumps? According to psychological research, the one of the best pick-me-ups is to force yourself...
이 App은 Samsung Activity Tracker 제품과 연동하여 운동량과 수면효율을 분석하여 보여줍니다.걸음 수를 기반으로 내가 걸은 거리, 현재 속도, 소모된 칼로리 등을 측정하고,수면중의 움직임을 측정하여 수면 효율, 깊은 수면과 얕은 수면 시간 등을 측정...
Exercise Tracker is an app designed for those who walk, run, and exercise. Don’t be fooled by the others this app has it ALL!!!!!- Map your route and ...