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Ballerina 芭蕾伶娜 : 真皮手工鞋

※【Ballerina與ESTELLA】品牌女鞋官方行動商城APP,透過手機開心購物!※ 走到哪都能立即享有真皮女鞋最新活動與新品資訊。※ 與購物中心同步新品上市!購買現貨1個工作天內快速出貨。※ 不定時推出APP獨家優惠,自動推播優惠訊息。※ 使用手機號碼或是臉書帳號即可輕鬆加入會員。※ 刷卡購物...

Wedding Shoes

Women and shoes are meant to be!! and on your wedding day it is no different. Your dress, flowers and jewellery need to be complimented by a beautiful...


This app is a collection of simple quizzes for practicing your knowledge of Hiragana, Katakana and basic Japanese vocabulary. The vocabulary quizzes h...


The first edition of ColourVol monitors the volume levels from the microphone and increases the intensity of the screen colour with ambient volume lev...