使用您自己的個人化貼紙建立奇妙的相片!創意貼紙應用程式可讓您直接透過觀景窗或手機上的現有相片建立自己的個人化貼紙。將您的個人貼紙匯入至您的觀景窗,並在使用Xperia相機拍照時裝飾您的相片。使用創意貼紙︰[貼紙建立模式]1. 啟動相機並選擇創意貼紙2. 您可以透過匯入現有圖片或觀景窗建立貼紙3. 選...
使用您自己的個人化貼紙建立奇妙的相片!創意貼紙應用程式可讓您直接透過觀景窗或手機上的現有相片建立自己的個人化貼紙。將您的個人貼紙匯入至您的觀景窗,並在使用Xperia相機拍照時裝飾您的相片。使用創意貼紙︰[貼紙建立模式]1. 啟動相機並選擇創意貼紙2. 您可以透過匯入現有圖片或觀景窗建立貼紙3. 選...
Shining (Photo to Movie)Make Collaborate Movie with ShiningPhoto + Music + Text + Video = Collaborate MovieJust Select! Make! Share!Create beautiful m...
你是否遇過課業上難解的問題? 同學不會,老師太忙?下課後還要上補習班 卻沒有時間好好檢討自己寫過的題目 Score Master 是一個專為國高中設計的線上解題網 只要簡單的三個步驟,就可以讓你從繁重的課業中解放 1. 拍下題目 2. 上傳題目 3. 得到及時解答 Score Master 讓你再也...
Qatar Foundation International, LLC (QFI) is a US-based member of Qatar Foundation (QF). Its mission is to connect cultures and advance global citizen...
From the markers of Split Lens and Magic eye color effect:Split Lens 2 has finally arrived to take your cloning fun even further by offering Both Vide...
From the markers of Split Lens and Magic eye color effect:Split Lens 2 Pro has finally arrived to take your cloning fun even further by offering Both ...
Have you ever tagged your instagram or Facebook post with " #Love " - If so you will LOVE this app! Its free for a limited time so download it now! Tu...
丑小鸭的华丽变身记!! 历尽千辛从无名小模特儿成长为时尚界的宠儿 比电视剧还要精彩的《人人超模》,即将为你呈现~ 【剧情】 她从小生长在孤儿院,后来被一个老奶奶领养,却仍然过着受气包的日子。一天,一个帅气的经纪人跑来告诉她她的身世,原来她是风靡一个时代的名模的女儿!!从来没有接触过模特行业的她,真的...
GoVPN is a free VPN for iPhone and iPad that enables you to enjoy the web freely and anonymously. It’s the best and most affordable way to access rest...
For people taking the UK's driver's theory test. Have your Driving Theory Test coming up? Use this app to test yourself against friends and prepare yo...