
Redneck Revenge

我们勤劳的老乡下佬又结束了忙碌的一天。但就在他刚准备关店时,一些奇怪的顾客开始从门口涌进来!糟了!是僵尸!在这款看起来最不可思议的射击游戏中,拿起你的武器,击退成百上千的僵尸 。在这款卡通风格的纵向射击游戏里,玩家要注意小心避开假牙、疯牛和其他令人憎恶的僵尸物种。 我们可爱的乡下佬必须死守阵地,运用...

Robo Revenge

3D platformer action games, robo is attacking the evil planets. It is a shooting games and also jumping games. Upgrade robo's weapon to win challe...


In some natures there are no half-tones; nothing but raw primary colours. John Bodman was a man who was always at one extreme or the other. This proba...