reshacker 教學


With 300 different types of items to be found, you will keep finding novel ways to deal with the 130 different types of monsters you will face on your...


HackerRank, a new social platform for coders. The Y Combinator-backed company, which was founded by the same team as job site InterviewStreet, wants t...


Hackathons are all about innovation. Innovation fuels the economy and helps solve some of the day’s greatest challenges. We need more innovation and t...


Hack into my computer and run the software on my hard drive.Only four passwords and two security questions are needed, dead easy!All of the clues are ...


Want to learn how to make a website or mobile app? Find your next internship? Make something cool in 24 Hours? Enough questions, of course you do! Joi...


Fooda brings fresh, great tasting lunch options that rotate daily right into your office. We believe lunch should taste great. Don't you?The MyFoo...




Booba App=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Booba, de son vrai nom Élie Yaffa1 est un rappeur français né le 9 décembre 1976 à Boulogne-Billancourt. Il est membre du ...

1+2 中文版

停不下来的趣味数字游戏!!!《1+2》风格清新、玩法简单,却又奥妙无穷的益智游戏。游戏规则是将数字按照1+2=3、3+3=6、6+6=12……的方法,全部合起来以获得更高的数字,数字越大代表分数也越大,当空格全部填满且无法再合成时,既游戏结束。 还在为像素鸟抓狂而懊恼不已吗?“小3”!将带给你不一样...