

內容介紹 : 一個關於火和黑暗的新故事,這是一個雜技騎士黑暗系列。 燃燒的火和夜色的掩蓋成就最好的摩托技巧遊戲。 雜技騎士駕駛者燃燒的車輪計劃征服黑暗的城市。這無疑是一個展示您卓越的駕駛技能的好機會。 轉動手機控制摩託的方向,在空中翻滾出令人眩目的特技姿勢,拿到最高分。 請不要放棄,祝您好運!新版...

Thread Campus

Connect with your campus like never before! Thread shows you people from your campus and lets you anonymously decide who you’d like to meet. If they l...

Ice Bag.

There is no way out. Target is to follow 3 basic rules:1) Be quite2) Beware of red icicles3) Have fun !!!Press and hold the right side of the screen t...