Toca Lab
呼叫所有未來的科學家! 歡迎來到托卡實驗室!探索色彩繽紛、千變萬化的科學世界,認識元素週期表上的 118 個元素。 使用實驗室中的工具進行實驗,發掘各種元素的奧秘! * 將元素放入離心機內旋轉 * 利用本生燈將元素加熱。哎呀,太燙了! * 使用冷卻劑將元素冷凍! * 添加一兩滴試管中的神秘液體 * ...
呼叫所有未來的科學家! 歡迎來到托卡實驗室!探索色彩繽紛、千變萬化的科學世界,認識元素週期表上的 118 個元素。 使用實驗室中的工具進行實驗,發掘各種元素的奧秘! * 將元素放入離心機內旋轉 * 利用本生燈將元素加熱。哎呀,太燙了! * 使用冷卻劑將元素冷凍! * 添加一兩滴試管中的神秘液體 * ... Lab - 装在您口袋里的免费趣味照片生成器!超过 450 种令人惊叹的照片效果!拥有 Lab,您就可以轻松地创建充满趣味的照片蒙太奇、超酷的联系人图标集、动漫效果、虚拟明信片以及手机壁纸!您会爱上此照片编辑器所提供的用户友好型界面及其便捷应用。特点与效果:• 具有自动面...
Welcome to the Magic Lab. It's a world of mistery. Simley, winking and cute elvies of different power all assemble here to create a colorful dazzling...
*** Radio Lab - La radio libera per tutti *** Fondare una radio non è una cosa semplice, soprattutto per chi nel farlo, pensa di poter diventare nodo ...
Welcome to Cocomong’s Laboratory! What the little troubled Cocomong will be doing in the laboratory?Play around by touching and dragging the Cocomong ...
Video Labs offers a plethora of Multimedia Services to meet all of your needs. Whether this is duplication, replication, video production, editing, or...
Ciphertext is a simple symmetric encryption app, allowing you to encrypt, decrypt and share files quickly and easily using the AES cipher. Ciphertext ...
Cipher is an application that uses public-key cryptography for the encryption and decryption of text. In essence, it uses the Diffie–Hellman key excha...
*** Featured on Gizmodo's Apps of the Week ****** ***Cipher Sender allows you to easily send and receive coded messages wit...