quiz wiz wiki

神秘法师世界之谜 Quiz RPG: World of Mystic Wiz

神秘法师世界之谜 Quiz RPG: World of Mystic Wiz是一款日本人气角色扮演类游戏。游戏画面华丽,情节曲折,玩法非常另类。区别于以往的角色扮演类游戏。神秘法师世界之谜游戏融入了益智猜谜和卡牌对战游戏元素,玩家在游戏中需要通过不断回答问题来激发主角的各项技能的展开,如果答错则无法...

Country Quiz

This is one of the best geography based apps for learning. Learn the countries flags in a form of a logo quiz. Greatly improve your geography knowledg...

Quiz: Geo World

Do you know the geographical region of Sweden or Dominican Republic? What do you already know now and where your gaps are, shows you this geographical...