qr code scanner pro

QR Code Scanner

Meet the new QR Code Scanner application: a powerful QR Code reader, completely free and ad-free, which allows you to access instantly valuable inform...

QR Pro

The ultimate application to generate QR code for multiple types of data and share. It is a very quick and reliable QR code reader or scanner and gener...

QR Barcode Scanner

QR Barcode Scanner is an app for decoding one-dimensional and two-dimensional code. By using the smart phone's camera, this app will quickly scan and ...

MS Code Scanner

1、扫条形码自动识别商品详细信息。 扫码器扫条形码,自动识别出商品的详细信息,诸如商品名称、参考价格、规格、产地、生产企业名称、企业名称、企业地址等等。 2、扫条形码进口商口辨别。 手机扫条形码,立即辨别您手中的商品是否是进口商口。 3、扫条形码网上商城价格比较。手机识读条形码,通过商城比价器,实时...