put you hands up


ATTENTION! This program is a professional medical calculator and intended for use only health care professionals.Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale...

Helping Hands

Helping Hands will allow you to program in two emergency contact numbers into your phone. If you need someone to call you, then push the app button an...

100500 Hands

You have tried lots of games already? Flappy Bird? 2048? You think nothing can impress you anymore?Looking for more challenges? You have come to the r...

Hand force

気功師の放つパワーはまだまだ現代科学や医学では解明されていない部分がほとんどです。数々のトップアスリートの身体のケアや様々な難病を解決してきたそのパワー!このアプリでは気功師 大澤泰賢の放つ気(エネルギー)を動画を通してご覧のみなさんにお届けするといった全く初めての試みです。数々のテストを行い多数の...

Washing hands

Washing hands is one of a series of bilingual lightweight apps designed to develop the social skills of children on the autistic spectrum, including A...