

A Associação Sindical dos Profissionais da Polícia (ASPP/PSP) é uma organização sindical, constituída por pessoal com funções policiais, independentem...


Schizophrenia的治療目標已由過去僅以控制正性症狀為主,逐漸轉變為管理負性症狀,以及提升病患個人與社會功能為目標。本APP提供兩種臨床上方便操作且實用的評估工具:1. 個人與社會功能量表(Personal and social performance rating scale;簡稱PSP)...

Taunton PS

It’s everything you could want to know about Taunton Public Schools in one easy-to-use, mobile location! The Taunton Public Schools app gives parents ...

PS Secrets

PostSecret is an ongoing community mail art project, created by Frank Warren, in which people mail their secrets anonymously on a homemade postcard. S...

Nixa PS

The official Nixa PS app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. get the news and information that you car...

Waseca PS

Waseca Public Schools is now at your fingertips whenever you need it! The Waseca PS app is a perfect resource for all of your most important school in...

Palestine Ps

فلسطينفلسطين هي دولة عربيه عاصمتها القدس التطبيق يعرفك على دولة فلسطين و على الاحتلال الاسرائيلي الذي يحتل دولة فلسطين و الانتهاكات الاسرائيليه للارض ...