Profile Widget
Profile Widget is an app that helps you manage profiles for your phone. These profiles can handle:* Volume (ring, notification, alarm, system and mult...
Profile Widget is an app that helps you manage profiles for your phone. These profiles can handle:* Volume (ring, notification, alarm, system and mult...
Sound Profiles allows you to set your phone to ring/vibrate/silent automatically by the hour and day of the week. You may also choose to leave blank h...
In Profile App you can set various locations, such as your home, school or place, where you work. For each location you can specify profiles, which sh...
Whether you're a current user of DVD Profiler for Windows or not, DVD Profiler for Android will help you take control of your DVD and Blu-ray addi...
'Profile Switcher!' app is simple and easy to use. This app controls three profiles. Create your own profiles for your required time duration. Feature...
A simple profiles app. Create profiles with ringer & volume settings, ringtone, brightness, timeout, also state of airplane, wifi & bluetooth.Also cre...
Sound Profiles is an app that allows you to set your phone's sound profiles to ring/vibrate/silent automatically by the hour and day of the week. You ...
In dieser App können sie mit ihrem Finger zeichnen. Sie können aus verschiedenen Farben wählen. Später können sie ihre Bilder als .png Datei speichern...
I use the and in a SampleProject "ApiDemos".I added ability to save a screen image to a file ""....
大量明星美女、卡通萌货、时尚街拍、潮流搭配、旅行摄影、美食菜谱、爆笑内涵图、家居装饰、手绘插画壁纸,支持微博,微信和QQ分享。 微博、微信配图无忧,快乐手机生活!最好玩的美图兴趣社交网络,必须的,当之无愧! 花瓣网是一个基于图片的兴趣社交应用,你可以用一种全新的、令人惊奇的方式发现、收藏你喜欢的内容...