
Pet Doctor

Elsa just loves the braided look! But she's having a bit of trouble reaching the back of her hair. She has three beautiful braided hairstyles she ...

Pets Jump

We present max a friendly dog who really loves jumping everywhere. Join to him and his friends as they try to get the title of jumper king.You will en...


全球最有意思的手机杂志,来自百万网友推荐的蹲厕神器! 古人云:吾日三省吾身,枕上、厕上、马上。《生活有意思》集美文美图、笑话段子、经验测试于一身,是你在枕上(睡前)、厕上(便便时)、马上(乘公交地铁)打发时间的必备神器! 最搞笑、最实用、最新潮的app就在这里! 有意思的小测试,了解自己更舒心; 有...


软件作者:陈明元 (昵称:雅信) 软件版本:V1.2 支持机型:android 1.6以上 测试机型:HTC G13 使用要求:SD卡 本程序是款小说阅读器,支持语音朗读 支持格式chm,doc,epub,fb2,html,pdb,rtf,txt等 支持自动识别编码,支持大量的编码(能否成功解码取决...