Getting Real 中文版 電子書
本 APP 内容为电子书想构建一个成功的Web应用么? 那么正是时候 Getting Real. Getting Real 是一种更小规模,更快速,更高质量的软件构建方法。由著名的 37signals 团队/Ruby On Rails 的创造者们撰写* 繁簡介面支援* 內容支援繁簡顯示* 可用音量鍵...
本 APP 内容为电子书想构建一个成功的Web应用么? 那么正是时候 Getting Real. Getting Real 是一种更小规模,更快速,更高质量的软件构建方法。由著名的 37signals 团队/Ruby On Rails 的创造者们撰写* 繁簡介面支援* 內容支援繁簡顯示* 可用音量鍵...
Who is driving that car? Oh my God, a Bear is Driving! How can that Be?!* Grab stuff with your finger.* Eat Fish and Berries.* When you are FAT enough...
Welcome to the Academy for Professional Excellence's Child Welfare App to Assess Risk in cases that involve Intimate Partner Violence. This App in...
Enables an employee or contractor to complete a site risk assessment and send confirmation of completion to their employer via an email. Uses a set of...
It covers risk management framework, and risk assessment concepts and methodologies using examples based on railroad hazardous materials transportatio...
Finally, a risk management and opportunity discovery workbook for Small and Mid-Size Enterprises (SME) that offers self assessment tools that are high...
A comprehensive risk assessment app featuring a database of predefined hazards and controls. When the individual assessments are complete the signific...
集合 "廣東話,拼音,倉頡,速成" 四種常用中文輸入法,以及英文、數字及符號鍵盤,一按獨立切換鍵即可變更。同一鍵盤可作中英文輸入,無需切換。支援聯想字功能。融合英漢字典,在任何一種中文輸入法中,都可使用英文翻譯輸入中文,例如輸入「wire」即會顯示「電線」,以及「wire」為首的詞語,例如「wire...
百資正(繁)體中文輸入法是最實用、最簡單方便的正體輸入法!提供智能英文輸入法、中文手寫輸入、繁體注音輸入法、繁體倉頡輸入和繁體速成輸入。百資正體中文輸入法具備極快的反應速度,精確的聯想詞庫及智慧記憶功能。本輸入法是Google Play上面最受歡迎的有超過百萬用戶的繁中輸入法之一。百資正體中文輸入法...
Chinese+: 300 essential travel phrases just a tap away ★ Smart organized to be your best travel support ★Imagine you are in Beijing, Shanghai or Hong ...