据不完全统计,每5人中就有一个人身上会有疤痕,只是程度不同而已,如:色素疤痕、青春痘疤、疙瘩疤痕、凹陷疤痕、点痣疤痕、剖腹产疤痕等等。爱美之心,人皆有之。有疤痕的朋友到处在网上寻找治疗方法,特别是有疤痕的小朋友的妈妈们,更是心急如焚。 创立于2006年的中国疤痕论坛,隶属深圳疤痕信息网络有限公司,是...
釣ったお魚を記録していくアプリです。マップで釣った場所も一目瞭然!釣りの友だけに、釣りにかかせない情報源になるようにアプリをアップグレードしていく予定です。このアプリで釣り好きな方々の輪を広げていければ幸いです。[お知らせ]2012/8/1 アプリの修正を行いました。→ Ver.1.1.1[Ver....
This web based application is the mobile companion to Cartagena! a hidden gem guide to surgical tourism and contains maps, emergency information, hote...
In 2012, 8,616 individual cases of elder abuse and self-neglect were reported to the Los Angeles County Adult Protective Services program.However, res...
Paul O'Neill (born February 25, 1963) is a former right fielder and Major League Baseball player who won five World Series while playing for the C...
Calculá tu Índice de Masa Corporal para saber si tu peso es el ideal para tu cuerpo.Ingresa tu peso en kilogramos (por ejemplo 81), tu altura en centr...
This application can put your wireless interface into Monitor mode if it SUPPORTS monitor mode. It is basically a GUI in android for airmon-ng script ...
Simple utility to load and unload kernel modules Note 1 : Will look for modules only in /system/lib/modulesNote 2 : ROOT Access is required免費玩KMod Man...
Features:• Matching ladder network circuit with serial/parallel capacitors, serial/parallel inductors, serial/parallel resistors• Add Q, Gain (GA, GP)...