popping zits boils and pimples and blackheads

挤痘痘 Pimple Popper

Pimple Popper是一款非常另类搞怪的游戏三种要求使用不同手法来处理的痘痘二合一的游戏类型,首先要能够找到隐藏痘痘(考眼力),然后放大并处理(考技巧)仿真的动作要求,需要玩家用两指做出捏的动作,很好地利用了多点触摸5种不同的脸型,3种为女性,2种为男性每种脸型都有逼真的声效每关痘痘的位置都会...

Pimple Eraser

Pimple EraserPimples, moles, scars and other spots on your face in a photo can be clearly removed. Use 'Pimple Eraser', and remove pimples on ...

Smiley's Pop

Do you like color-matching games? If so, Smiley's Pop is the game for you. Based around a simple concept, you have to line up matching colors. Pow...

Pop Star3

萌萌的星星,為了打發時間而生! 妳絕對要下的好玩的小遊戲,陪妳度過休閑的時光! 揮揮手指,將星星帶回家吧! *遊戲簡介* 點擊相鄰相同顏色的星星就可以消除得分,超簡單娛樂休閑極品! *遊戲特色* --可愛的星星: 可愛又萌萌的星星! --道具系統: 爽快的道具效果,讓妳玩得盡興! --存檔系統: 隨...

Pop Mooncake

An exciting game with cool UI and Effects. Pop Mooncake Plus for Android, once you play, you can't stop it!If you have play "candy crush saga", "P...