Polara is a new take on the free-runner platformer that incorporates traditional challenging gameplay with color-switching strategy. Utilize color cod...
Polara is a new take on the free-runner platformer that incorporates traditional challenging gameplay with color-switching strategy. Utilize color cod...
Agora ficou mais fácil buscar bulas de medicamento sem precisar de um computador pra isso.Este app permite que você localize bulas pelo nome do medica...
“POLAR is photo App to let people know how you rate about food, place, people, basically everything in your life!” Choose POLAR! because we are a quic...
YourPolaroid è un'applicazione che ti permette di immortalare i momenti più belli della tua vita su una polaroid completamente personalizzabile e pron...
Informal Digital Japan Web System (Japanese topographical map) viewer for Android. If you want to see other country, please select Yahoo or Google map...
Tuboroid is a 2ch (Japanese community boards "2channel") viewer for android. "Tuboroid Classic" is the original version of Tuboroid. This application ...
Informal Digital Japan Web System (Japanese topographical map) viewer for Android.If you want to see other country, please select Yahoo or Google map ...
Free camera application for Polaroid PoGo and GL10.Change and apply several vintage color to a picture you took. Also add a Polaroid frame and your or...
Polaroid PoGo Print Appは、PolaroidのPoGo/GL10プリンター用のプリントアプリです。オリジナルとして、6種類の分割パターンから、写真をそれぞれ選んで印刷することができます。オリジナル分割パターン・2分割・4分割・8分割・4分割変形・3分割変形・4分割コミック風動作...
Polaroid PoGo App是一款拍照软件,效果华丽。功能-多样边框-文本输入-分帧-颜色校准-优化图像-局部图像打印小编注:这款软件拍照效果很华丽,支持边框直接插入。照片会自动保存在SD卡,支持蓝牙传送,但是暂时没有发现微博等方式分享。免費玩宝丽来摄影软件Polaroid PoGo App ...