Pirates and Traders: Gold
Pirates and Traders: Gold is 60% off to celebrate five years on the Google Play Store.Sail the Caribbean in this turn-based strategy/role-playing game...
Pirates and Traders: Gold is 60% off to celebrate five years on the Google Play Store.Sail the Caribbean in this turn-based strategy/role-playing game...
Description: Your mission is to destroy the pirates, and collect all the gold boxes from them. Tap to destroy the blocks, lead the bombs to destroy th...
Your kids will learn to follow instructions and learn about cultures and countries!An exciting pirate’s treasure quest that takes you around the world...
Description:Your mission is to destroy the pirates, and collect all the gold boxes from them. Tap to destroy the blocks, lead the bombs to destroy the...
Set Sails and Load Your Cannons!PIRATES! are Everywhere!We need you to clear the ocean of these wild dogs!And prove yourself to be the #1 Pirate!A Gre...
Show your artillery power and sink the pirate ships before they reach your island. You must sink at least eight ships before you run out of ammunition...
Avast, me hearties! Become a Pirate and sail the high seas looking for treasure! Plunder for gold, fight other pirates and search for islands based on...
开启你的海盜之旅!海盜 (Pirates)是一個脑力益智游戏,你需要在遊戲中證明你自己,成爲世界上最聰明的海盜.遊戲的目標是有策略地移動彩色的海盜船,把它們組合在一起形成舰队.你需要学习如何有策略的移动你的船只以通过更困难的挑战.這個游戏有数千个关卡,将给你带来无穷乐趣!全新游戏开启你的海盜之旅吧,...
教父英语系列分为三部分。 √√标准发音+英汉对照+有声全文字典+点读机 《教父英语系列》的每个句子都有标准的真人读音, 英汉对照, 即点即读. 文中每个英文单词都有详细的解释, 音标, 发音以及例句用法, 在阅读的时候只需在任意单词上长按超过一秒钟, 即可查阅, 即点即译, 真正做到哪里不懂点哪里....
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