
Photo Editor照片編輯器專業版

照片編輯器專業版是一個功能強大的編輯器有許多驚人的效果!有這麼多的效果,貼紙和功能應用到你的照片!產品特點:1 )圖像效果*相框。*顏色飛濺*照片特效*圖片場景。*對焦和模糊功能。*溫暖。*銳度。*將文本添加到圖片。*貼紙。2 )圖片編輯*圖片旋轉。*圖像剪切。*圖片大小調整。*繪畫和塗鴉,可以自由...


Telekinesis?? What is telekinesis a Mind Power or an Objects Manipulation without making contact with them. Are you in search of how to develop teleki...

Diamond Games

Welcome to this fun jewelry game created for all ages! Diamonds will be your passion in this new application and you'll have to implement the conc...