Photoshop CS6 101
In this introductory course, Adobe Certified trainer Jim Kanter illuminates every corner of Adobe Photoshop CS6‘s beautiful new “dark” workspace... Mo...
In this introductory course, Adobe Certified trainer Jim Kanter illuminates every corner of Adobe Photoshop CS6‘s beautiful new “dark” workspace... Mo...
Retouch your photos like a pro using Photoshop CS 6 with this easy training=======================================================Excellent *****=====...
Adobe Photoshop is the leader in the computer graphics, photo editing and digital painting arenas. It has historically offered a wide range of essenti...
Learn how to make your best photos even better in this 54-tutorial course on Photo Retouching and Adjustment with pro photographer and popular Photosh...
Every day, hyper geometric content of any user Photoshop becomes saturated and harder. Every day, perform design problem becomes harder and harder. No...
一款相当强大的图片编辑工具,支持图层编辑、VFX、HDR、文字效果,纹理效果,扭曲效果、特效效果、相机镜头与灯光效果等多达40多种照片处理功能,需要PS处理的色调,饱和度,色彩层次,灰度,透明度处理也不在话下。 主要功能: - 超过40种图像增强功能。 - 伟大的特效和HDR特效,如阳光,噪声,浮雕...
Photoshop Tips - How To Get Great At PhotoshopPhotoshop is one of the premier graphic software packages used by a lot of people. Here you will find an...
1、iBORESCOPE 4 软件为搭配WIFI 电子可视检查仪使用,使你可以通过手机等平台远距离清晰地对视力难以达到的地方进行观察检查,方便您对设备磨损、焊接点、部件松动等状况作出快速诊断,提高您的工作效率。2、软件可以实时显示WIFI电子检查仪摄像头观察到的实时视频画面。3、软件能将实时显示的视...
YETISPORTS: ALBATROSS OVERLOADWhat many are considering to be the best part of the YETISPORTS series is finally available for Android. No matter if yo...
Disfruta de una de las mejores variantes de juegos por fichas con Conecta 4, en un realista entorno 3D, con diferentes modelos, y varios colores, que ...