photo manipulation

Caveman Story

怪物來襲,原始人的家園遭到攻擊!快來和我們壹起幫助原始人消除謎題方塊,攻擊怪物,將怪物趕出家園!Caveman Story 是壹款簡單但是非常吸引人的休閑消除遊戲。連接謎題方塊,消除掉的方塊産生的石頭、木頭和弓箭可以攻擊怪物。升級原始人的屬性可以大大提升攻擊力哦!還可以喚出寵物幫助妳壹起消滅怪物!【...

Photo Shower

Photo Shower is a designated mobile to mobile photo sharing app that lets you easily share photos between friends based upon a specific time period th...

Photo Mashup

This is the perfect app to use more beautiful objects like Tattoos ,Piercing,Lips,Goggles,Turbans,Captain America Mask ,Krish3 Mask,Dhoom3 Mask,and mo...

Photo Swap

The principle of photo swap is as easy as ingenious. Take a photo with your camera. Add some text (optional) and select the seconds for how long anoth...