philips dockstudio app

Philips Hue

Meet the Hue app. The amazing way to control every Philips Hue product in your home. All from the palm of your hand or from your wrist with the Apple ...

Philips DockStudio

免費的飛利浦 DockStudio 應用程式能為 Android 擴充喇叭帶來各式獨特功能。輕觸一下即可與喇叭連線,收聽全球數千個網際網路廣播電台,透過藍牙將您最愛的音樂串流到擴充喇叭,完全掌控所有音效設定,方便調整,盡情享受。您可以在「時鐘」模式內設定多組自訂音樂鬧鈴和更新的氣象報告。此應用程式完...

Speedy Hue

This application goes hand in hand with the Philips HUE application, and extends it even further. This application allows you to quickly turn lights o...